Serious Case of the Itches

Just recently, my Geeklings came to visit us this summer. This was the first time they had ever come to visit for the Summer. Boy, was we in for a surprise. When we arrived at home from the road trip to bring them her, I discovered three of them had the worst case of the itches I have seen in my life. The one that did not have it, doesn’t live with the other three. Never fear, The Lice Fairy is here! (Unofficially, I am the professional out of the Ohana when it comes to those suckers.) 

I suffered a lot from getting the itches, from the local school that I attended. I grew up in the 90’s and they still hadn’t figured out that lice love carpets. We had carpet in almost, every single room. They didn’t start ripping out the carpet until I was in maybe, fifth grade. It was traumatic for me. I still do not do any kind of insect. (Except crickets.) I refuse to let any of my ducklings, or any child in my life, suffer from some puny little bloodsucker.  

With me being the family Lice Fairy, I developed a less harmful and easy treatment. Depending on the severity of the infestation, it usually takes me anywhere from two to six hours. I despise these creatures and come to the table with the mother of all atomic bombs. Oh, and easy clean up too! I wipe them off the face of the planet.  

I have been through almost, every treatment you can fathom. My very own mother tried so many home remedies, along with the doctor’s recommendation of the Lice Treatment from the store. I laugh at anyone who says they used the store-bought treatment. In my opinion, the treatment only fries your hair and rid of some of the bugs. It also does not prevent future cases either.  

My treatment does not do any of that. I use coconut oil for the base ingredient. I use this oil to breakdown their exoskeletons. Additionally, it is wonderful on your hair, and it always makes it super soft. I use coconut oil in my hair regularly to keep my hair from being extremely frizzy. Then, I add in some tea tree oil. This essential oil is ammo. This oil smothers them and eliminates them completely. Plus, it doesn’t smell as bad as the chemical treatments. I mix the ingredients in a small bowl for the perfect concoction.  

 I feel the urge to share my recipe and suggestive instructions with the world. Especially after seeing three of my geeklings going through the pain of a serious case of itches. No tiny human should ever go through that. Feel free to share with the world my secret formula. 

Lice Treatment  


  • 1 Cup of Coconut Oil  
  • 22 Drops of Tea Tree Oil 


  • Towel 
  • Lice Comb (Flea Combs can work too) 
  • Brush 
  • Measuring Cup 
  • Bowl 
  • Gloves (Optional) 


  1. Create the Treatment. Measure 1 cup of coconut oil into a bowl. Gently, add 20 drops of tea tree oil. Mix gently. 
  1. Go outside. Have the person with the itches sit in a chair. Start by using the brush to comb out any knots. (Be warned, some bugs and nits may fall out on their own when brushing.) Any knots left behind can get caught in the lice comb and can be very painful.  
  1. Start massaging the treatment into the scalp. (I always start with the scalp, like you would in dying your hair.) Then saturate the rest of the hair. I recommend brushing the oil into the hair.  
  1. Tie the hair in a bun using a hair tie. Let rest for up to 6 hours depending on the severity of the infestation. Use your best judgement.  
  1. Wash and rinse the hair.  
  1. Grab the towel, brush, and Lice comb. Put the towel around the person’s neck. This helps with containing the situation. Start by brushing the hair into the towel. Make sure you have NO knots. Then, using the lice comb, comb through the hair to get the nits and bugs completely out of the hair. I comb through the hair for at least 30 minutes. It is the best way to make sure they are all out of the hair. 

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