I’m a Good Mom

I am an immensely proud mama of eight ducklings. They range from thirteen to six years old. I always joke with them that His, Mine, and Ours is because of me. I used to tell everyone as a teen, I was going to have eight kids. I should be careful what I wish for, right? I wouldn’t change it for the world 

There are times where I feel as if I am not the best mom for the job. I am my biggest critic. Those days are when I hit my lowest as a mother. My thoughts trail off into an endless loop of how I should parent. I know I am a good mom and a bit spoiled. I mean, I only get eighteen years to make the best memories before they fly away.  

I am responsible for raising eight humans. I am to teach them the ways of society, and make sure they don’t grow up being total jerkwads. I have made sure that I don’t traumatize them. I try to be the best mom I can be. There are four girls that I am raising as independent and powerful women. I am teaching them to be confident in their beauty and to be happy in their own skin. There are four boys that I am raising to be gentlemen and to be careful with women. I am teaching them that no matter what, they have a voice and their own opinion. I want to give them their best shot at life.  

My favorite thing about being a mom is the love I feel from my ducklings. I am an Olaf at heart. I just love warm hugs. On a daily basis, I receive so many hugs from my ducklings. They are usually followed by “I love you, Mom.” It makes me melt every time. When we are in public, especially school, my ducklings beam with pride that I am their mom. It fills me with happiness to know that they love me so much to tell the world about me. They tell me all the time that I’m the cool mom. I don’t even know why they do it. I’m just a mom trying not to raise a bunch of buttholes. It is a, what you would call, alternative way of parenting. I raise them the way I wish I was raised.  

Attending every birthday and special event in their life, has always been my life’s goal. I want to make sure they feel my support and love as they each grow up. Besides, they are like my best little buddies right now. We always got each other’s back, no matter what. After all, Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten. We take that very seriously around here. They are willing to go on every adventure I throw at them. Of course, it is smaller ones. They have to grow for the bigger adventures. They are my favorite people to be around. Most of my time is given to them anyways.    

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