6 Impossible Things Before Breakfast

6 Impossible Things Before Breakfast

Over ten years ago when I started the journey with my mental health. I have always been told by multiple therapists to start everyday with daily affirmations. It took me years to understand the purpose or to agree to the routine. I tried searching the internet for the best quotes for mental health but failed miserably. Nothing that came up in my searches expressed me. Until one random day, I was watching the live action of Alice in Wonderland, I had a brilliant idea. That moment changed the way I look at mental health affirmations forever.  

No matter the situation, I always try to make it pleasant. (Mental health used to be a scary subject for me.) I didn’t want to talk to anyone about what’s going on inside my head. This meant that I had to figure out affirmations that best suited me. I am a huge fan of Disney, video games (mainly Nintendo), and all things magical. Combine my interests and the quote six impossible things before breakfast from Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, it transforms into six different mental health daily affirmations. 

Vintage colour lithograph of Alice and the Cheshire Cat, from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, John Tenniel.

“I am a Sunshine to a Raincloud.”

My personality is connected to this affirmation. I can light a room as soon as I enter. I am a cheerful person. I can be so happy that it scares people when I have a sad day. My life has always been about spreading sunshine into the dark world around us.  

“I believe in all things Happy and Magical.”

“Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust!” My Universe is surrounded by magic and happiness. I constructed the United States of Nikki based on good vibes and the Magickal Universe Rules. This doesn’t mean that I don’t have problems in life. I am human and can cause my own chaos sometimes.  

“I can quote Most Disney Movies by Heart.”

As a child, I grew up watching movies as a past time with my grandparents. Every Friday night, we would go to the store and my Papa would buy us a Yoohoo and a honey bun. Most of the movies we watched were Disney. I have seen almost every Disney movie ever produced. If I haven’t I will watch it as soon as possible.  

“I am a Wonderful Mother to Eight Beautiful Tiny Humans”

I have moments of low self-esteem when it comes to parenting. I have been a mother for over a decade, but that doesn’t mean I know what I am doing. No one really does. My main goal in life since holding my first born in my arms is to keep the Tiny Humans alive, safe, happy, and healthy. 

“I am Beautiful Inside and Out.”

My body image has always been a problem for me. Sometimes, I feel like I am a beautiful flower floating in the breeze. Other times, I feel like I am the trash panda on the back porch digging in the trash. Mirrors have always been the enemy with my body dysmorphia. I have been doing better since creating this affirmation.  

“I can Conquer Mental Illness.”

This is the most important affirmation I produced. Since the start of my mental health journey, I have always stated that one day I will conquer mental illness. I refuse to let it take me to the bottom of the lake and drown me. I want to rise above the statistics and society’s standards.  

Everyone has their own way of dealing with mental health. I had to get creative with mine. Sometimes, it takes a little bit of Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust to accomplish the objective. I would love to hear how you add a bit of magic into your mental health journey. Let me know in the comments below.

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