Introducing My Plants!

Plants have always been therapeutic for me. You can never have too many plants, especially flowers. Who doesn’t love flowers? 

sign surrounded by various plants

I want to introduce you to my beautiful plants! I am overly excited about having plants that I can grow. I don’t exactly have a green thumb. I am optimistic this year with the plants I have acquired this spring. I am dedicated to not killing these plants. These plants are an essential part of my plant therapy.  

I am trying three different methods of seeding this year. I have some gardening knowledge that I learned during my childhood. Although, it has been a long time since I have gardened. Since adulthood, I haven’t been able to grow a successful garden. Every time I tried; it would get destroyed somehow. One time, it was because we had a housefire. I felt like it was a sign from the universe that it was time to give up. However, I am stubborn and want to try again this year.  

Cucumber plants in pots
Mix Wildflower Mix in a pot next to painted rocks

My first method of seeding was planting the seeds and wait for them to germinate into plants. I planted two vegetables (cucumbers, bell peppers) and two flowers (black eyed susans, morning glory). I threw a random flower mix into a pot I had laying around just for funsies. It has been about eight weeks since I planted the seeds in the soil. The outcome was half and half. I only got cucumbers, morning glory, and the flower mix. I will take that as a win. 

Small Sweet Pepper plants in small pots

Method number two is an experiment. I have never grown anything from kitchen scraps. I planted some sweet pepper ends into some small pots I had on hand. I planted six ends into two separate pots. Only two of the sweet peppers popped up. I recently transplanted them into four little pots to flourish into bigger pepper plants. 

Banana Pepper Plant in Pot
Mystery plant in pot
Snake plant in a pot

The third method of seeding was skipping the seeding process completely and buying premade plants from our local Walmart. I wanted to make sure to at least have two plants for my plant therapy this summer. I bought a banana pepper and zucchini plant. I found a snake plant at our community’s plant library. It is a houseplant. Our plant community is amazing at sharing extra plants and seeds, among other items needed for gardening. My last premade plant was a beautiful gift from my son, Wes. It is a mystery plant brought home from school from a Mother’s Day project. The only information I received from him when he brought it home was, he planted a seed and his teacher watered it for him. Explains a lot, doesn’t it? I feel obligated as a mother to keep this mystery flower alive till it blooms.

Fingers have been crossed and I have spoken to Mother Nature about blessing my green thumb. You will be able to follow my gardening journey this summer with my gardening series. I plan on giving an update every two weeks. We can keep these plants alive together! Make sure you subscribe to keep up with the updates. 

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