June 2023 – Our Monthly Recap

I enjoyed my entire month of June. It flew by too quickly. This June will probaly be my most favorite month out of the year. We have had the Geeklings this entire month without too much drama. Having them here has been amazing. We lost so much time with them over the years. We’ve been trying to make up for it. Three of the geeklings’ mother is bitter and refuses to co-parent with DaddyBear. Fighting over custody would cost more than we can afford because we are fighting for rights as well due to Georgia law. Not to mention, it would be traumatizing to the geeklings. We have tried to settle outside of court but there is no reasoning with that woman. So, anytime we get the geeklings is a treasured moment. We have created so many memories this Summer and plan to make more. We never know when we will see them next. 

On the other hand, I co-parent as nicely as possible. After all I wouldn’t have my children without them. Every Summer and every other major holiday have been our agreement since the beginning. I am willing to give up as much of my time as my ducklings want because it is their lives, not mine. I have no disagreements with my son’s father. However, my daughter’s father refuses to have anything to do with her. He has abandoned her. I don’t punish his family though for wanting to be a part of her life. My daughter wants to have a relationship with her dad’s family, with or without his presence.  

If it was not for us getting the surprise of our lives getting to take the Geeklings home with us, I would have had a miserable Summer. I am an attached parent and even my other two nerdlings wanted to spend the Summer with family members in the south. I would have had a duckling free house and would have lost my marbles. Nonetheless, I let my ducklings choose how they spend their summer vacation. I let them have their own experiences even if it is without me. They need space too. I may have cried a few times because I miss them, but they deserve to create memories with their other loved ones.  

This summer I have gotten back into therapy. I have finally met with my therapist and have started two different home therapies. I have come to realize that you can do different at home therapies to help with your mental health. I went with writing and horticultural therapy. Two of my childhood hobbies that I enjoyed the most. Our goal as a team is to make sure I stay in remission from manic episodes. 

My Favorite Posts June 2023:

For the first time in my adult life, I am trying horticultural therapy. I have realized that this type of therapy is becoming my favorite. I enjoy getting to dig in the soil and get my hands dirty. It makes me feel grounded and reconnected to the Earth. This month I have accomplished doing some research on plants, kept up with a decent watering routine, and donated to the local plant library. I plan to research more about this type of therapy this coming month.  

The other home therapy I chose is writing therapy, or journaling. Writing has always been an outlet for me ever since I was a young child. This June I decided to start writing again. Journaling is a great coping skill for my mental health. I write anything I am feeling in the moment. I use my journal for everything in my daily life. I write, draw, and scrapbook in my journal. It’s my private space. Blogging is another form of writing therapy. Hence why my blog got a little makeover this month. I am new to blogging and am learning as I go. I hope to learn more about blogging as I continue to grow as a blogger.  

That is my June Recap! Between making memories with the Geeklings and getting therapy started, I had a remarkably busy June this year. I hope you had a stupendous June like I did. Life is too short not to make memories. Take that walk in the park, make hotel reservations, and just enjoy life.  

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