Why Do I Blog??

Why do you blog is the most asked question to a blogger. The world must know why you choose to spend hours typing and clicking your computer. Every blogger has their own reason to write. Without further delay. here are my reasons to blog.  

I suppose it all started as a teenager. I owned my own computer so that I could draft my fictional stories and news stories about my hometown. Those were the days when the internet was growing into what we have today. I would spend time researching different topics and writing about them. It was one of my favorite past-times. Writing helped keep some of my sanity in all my teenage years.  

When I became an adult, my focus shifted to motherhood. I became a mom and my universe got bigger. My adventures were becoming amazing experiences with my ducklings. They have always been able to go on them with me. With all my marvelous adventures, I wanted to share them with my universe. That is when I discovered the world of Facebook. I realize now, my younger self was embarrassed for everyone. I overshared everything that happened in my life. I have learned since then to be careful what I post. I have mostly returned to journaling and oversharing in bullet journals or offline journals. This became a problem with wanting to share my stories. It meant they would have to be in person and invading my personal journals. I started looking at other ways to share my adventures.  

When I started my mental health journey at the youthful age of 19, every therapist I saw mentioned journal therapy. I gave it a go since it was writing prompts. However, I tend to only do projects or hobbies for three months at a time. I have tried and failed many times. I have always had issues writing about myself. Even though I am an open book. I have always been open about my mental health. Some people have told me to write about my life for the world to see. I do try to advocate and educate others about mental health to the best of my abilities. I have learned so much over the years, and I keep learning new things about my disorders.  

Journal Therapy can be anything from scrapbooking to therapeutic journal prompts given by your therapist. With today’s technology, it can be accomplished on or offline. I have done a bit of all types of journal therapy. My personal favorite is the bullet journal. The bullet Journal System was created for efficiency, organization, and productivity. The journal is an organizational system built with a set of bullet points. I use it as an organized chaotic smash journal. I call it my life in a book. I have different mental disorders and my bullet journal helps me manage them. One of our Universe Rules is Sharing is Caring. I figured why not write for the world like I do in my journal. Let them see how I control chaos. I enjoy sharing motherly advice, tips, and my secrets about mental health. I am always willing to share my experiences to help others.  

Blogging has become my online bullet journal for my memories, opinions, and advice for the universe to see. My blogging has been added to my journal therapy. For this blog, my hopes are to share my growth as a blogger while sharing the United States of Nikki.

If you loved my reason for why I am blogging, make sure you subscribe to my blog.  

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