Journal Therapy

Do you have any childhood hobbies? What were the hobbies you were most passionate about? One of my favorites was journaling.  

Every young child throughout history loves to draw or color inside a book of some sort. You are given these journaling tools when we are old enough to how crayons in our hands. We start our journaling journey with learning to color outside the lines, and free expression through drawing we create on blank paper. We do not realize that we are training our brains to slow down and relax. This becomes an excellent technique to have as an adult.  

As we grow older, some of us grow out of the art of drawing. Meanwhile, others start writing in journals throughout their teenage years. It becomes a therapy tool to help with all the hormonal emotions going through their body. I have started encouraging my preteen ducklings to start keeping some type of journal. They come to me to show me their doodles or artwork. They know I respect their privacy unless they act shady. I personally loved smash/wreck journals. It was like scrapbooking with my Granny except for a smaller form.  

When we become adults, a lot of us become scared of asking for help from professionals. Society has gotten better about mental health, but there is still a stigma around it. I was one of those people because I was traumatized from seeking professional help while living in Georgia. Journal Therapy is one of the only alternative therapies I have always kept up with. I believe it is because I journaled as a child. It was already a habit of mine.   

The definition of Journal therapy according to Wikipedia is a writing therapy focusing on the writer’s internal experiences, thoughts, and feelings. However, journaling can be done in a multitude of ways. The decision is yours to decide what best suits your style. I enjoy mixing different types of journaling into one journal. I call it my life in a book.  

Examples of Different Types of Journaling: 

  • Smash/Wreck This Journal 
  • Drawing/Artwork 
  • Writing Stories 
  • Therapy Journal Prompts 
  • Bullet Journals 
  • Journal Scrapbooking 

Now, I am not a mental health professional. Although, I am a professional crazy lady. I am just advocating the use of alternative therapies. Every therapist I have ever seen, including my inpatient team, suggests and encourages you to start journaling to help with whatever you are going through. My hopes are to inspire those that need to release frustration, emotions, and stress in a healthy manner, even if it is not under a therapist.  

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