Peanut Butter Waffles

Let me explain, these are not your ordinary waffles. These are special waffles. They even have their own song.  

I am seriously joking. However, peanut butter waffles are special to our Ohana. We are a family that likes to try a variety of weird food combinations, within reason. I have done this since I was a child with my sister. One of those combinations was Peanut Butter Waffles. We would eat them when we wanted both a waffle and a PB&J.  

Now, as an adult, I make them as comfort food. Plus, there is a song called Peanut Butter Waffles by Ryan Caraveo. This song hits home because I have Bipolar Disorder Type One. He sums up how living with BiPD can be. I have a difficult time regulating my moods. There is either high or low. There is no in-between. 

I recently made peanut butter waffles without any trouble. This was the first time I cooked waffles in my waffle irons without burning them. (I own a Spiderman and buildable Olaf waffle makers.) They turned out perfectly soft and golden brown. Plus, I was able to hold conversations with my ducklings without getting frustrated or burning the food. I am beaming with pride.  

Every time I get a craving for peanut butter waffles, I start to think of happy memories. I cook my waffles with love and happiness. This improves my mood anytime I am feeling down. I highly suggest making some memories with your loved ones. Eat the peanut butter waffle, it will make you feel better. 

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