Life Update: Moving Back Home

Did you know that the average person moves eleven times in their lifetime? Life itself is all about adventure.

Picture with moving boxes

After careful consideration, we decided to move back home to Georgia. The decision was hard to make but we feel it was the best decision for our family

We have been home since September of last year. I apologize for my absence from my blog. Life got a little chaotic. We moved over 800 miles again and had to establish ourselves. Moving can be exhausting. It is, however, one of my favorite adventures with the kiddos. Even if it means moving with six kids. Packing is the easiest part of moving. I can sort through old items and dispose of them without my spawns caring.  

I enjoy moving to various places. Each movie is a different and exciting adventure. It is like traveling to a new world and culture. We get to experience different views, communities, and explore new opportunities. We enjoyed our time in Ohio and made so many memories that we will never forget. 

While I enjoy putting space between me and my family. I honestly missed them. We could only visit once or twice a year for only a few days. I am fortunate enough to have my grandparents and want to spend as much time with them. There are so many memories I want to make. Plus, I want them to be able to watch their great grandchildren grow up.  

Secondly, we decided to come home was the kiddos. I felt it was unfair to spend all the time with them and not share it with their other parents. Moving back home allows us to share custody. Everyone lives within driving distance. I see that as a win. They have missed them. 

I may have dropped the ball on consistently posting but I plan to get back into the rhythm again. Since moving here, we have found some adventures I would love to share with you. We have found new hobbies and made some new friends. I will say I am not exactly disappointed in moving back home like I thought I would.  

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