8 Tips for Working Moms

Sometimes being a stay at home mom isn’t an option. Some moms have to work to provide for their families. 1. Always Do Morning Preparation Regardless if you are a stay at home mom or a working mom, mornings can be chaotic and stressful. I have found, through experience, that you should always prepare for … Continue reading 8 Tips for Working Moms

Everyone’s Asleep

One of the most confusing, yet enjoyable occasion in my life is when everyone in my home is asleep. It only happens first thing in the morning. Only if I wake up in time. Everyone always told me when I first had my Ducklings, sleep when the baby sleeps. Best advice I ever got. However, … Continue reading Everyone’s Asleep


When you hear the world home, what do you instantly think about? Home is a very special word in the English dictionary. It is a person or a place where you feel the safest. What makes your home feel like home?   Home is for free expression not first impressions. Ever since I watched the movie … Continue reading Home.