8 Tips for Working Moms

Sometimes being a stay at home mom isn’t an option. Some moms have to work to provide for their families.

1. Always Do Morning Preparation

Regardless if you are a stay at home mom or a working mom, mornings can be chaotic and stressful. I have found, through experience, that you should always prepare for the morning the night before. It helps to add this task to your night time routine. Make sure you lay out your clothes and shoes, along with everyone else’s in the house, in one central location. This helps you hand out outfits way faster and accurately giving you more time to focus on getting yourself dressed. Prepare any lunches and backpacks for the next day. This is an excellent time to double check folders and sign important papers. I have found myself forgetting to sign their agendas or thinking I had already did that. It really helps to double check.

2. Have an After School Game Plan

Every working mom should have an after school plan on where your tiny humans are going to be until you get off work. This plan should be in place for when you cannot make it to the bus stop or pick your tiny humans up from school. Make sure you have a babysitting plan, even if the plan involves older siblings. (Just make sure you follow your states rule.) Many working moms use after school care at their local daycares while others use the local after school programs. On the other hand, I know some moms that trade babysitting with their Ohana based on their schedules. There should always be atleast two back up babysitters for emergencies and sickness. Some employers believe work doesn’t stop for your families. You should always go over this plan with your Ohana, especially your tiny humans. With everyone on board, your after school plan should go very smoothly

3. Evening Routine

Having an evening routine is an essential to a working mom. It helps you stay on task even though you are tired from work. We’ve all been there. Home life doesn’t stop just because mom is tired. Likewise, this helps your children’s evenings be organized and they can become more independent on doing things on their own.

4. Always Plan Ahead

I know a lot of mothers, working and stay at home, plan their weeks or even months ahead. This is a great habit for when you are working because you can make sure to have the time off that you need for your tiny humans. I personally have a bullet journal that I usually have with me at all times. It’s perfect for keeping up with field trips, special days at school, doctor appointments, and even school holidays. Everyone knows having tiny humans can keep you extremely busy.

5. Self Care

This tip is especially important! Mothers are the back bone to every family. Without us, home life would be chaotic. Taking the time out of your busy schedule to pamper yourself should be a priority in your life. It doesn’t help your Ohana if you are running on fumes. It can be simple things. Take a hot relaxing bubble bath when the kids go to bed. Go for a walk around your neighborhood, fresh air does amazing things. Start a journal to write down all your thoughts and plans. Schedule a spa day just for you to be pampered. Whatever you chose to do, make it a priority to take care of yourself.

6. Morning Routine

I can not stress enough how important a morning routine is for working moms. Especially, if you work first shift. We all need a little routine when we first wake up to keep us all sane. It is pretty simple to create one. Take a day and write down everything you do in the mornings. Once you have a task list, create the routine by putting your tasks in the order you usually do them. Make sure you include your partner and tiny humans by putting the routine where everyone can see it. This will make your mornings run smoother.

7. Have a Decent Bedtime

Everyone knows that moms can’t just go to bed. We have to make sure everyone else is laying down and morning preparation is complete. However, the secret to being a happy mother is sleep. There have been numerous studies around the world about sleep affects mothers. Having a decent bed time will always make sure you get enough sleep to conquer the world the next day. No one likes a grumpy mom.

8. Make Time for Your Ohana

I would have to say that out of every tip I have given, this one is the most important one. No matter if you work part time or full time, Ohana time is crucial. Your tiny humans need to see that even though you work to provide for them, that you also have fun. You can’t be all work and no play. Celebrate life more. Make birthdays and holidays meaningful by taking the time off and being there for your Ohana. Plan family day trips or vacations to enjoy on your time off. Make one night a week family dinner night and spend time together as a family. Growing up with an Ohana is a valuable thing in life.

To my fellow working moms, I support you and hope these tips help you as they do for myself. Do you have any tips you would like to share with me? Comment them down below and don’t forget to share these awesome tips with your mom friends!

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