Nekolily’s Journal

Journal Entries

May Recap – 2024

The month of May has slowly gone by, at least for me it has. At the beginning of the month, I was coming down from a manic episode and into a low depression. I had to restart my journey on recovery again. I went a whole year without having an episode. That is the longest…

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Writer’s Block

I have had writer’s block for about a week now. It happens to the best of writers. I have plenty of ideas but cannot seem to put them on paper. It is not flowing the way I would like.  You would think after eight months of not blogging I would have a lot to write…

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Life Update: Moving Back Home

Did you know that the average person moves eleven times in their lifetime? Life itself is all about adventure. After careful consideration, we decided to move back home to Georgia. The decision was hard to make but we feel it was the best decision for our family.  We have been home since September of last…

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New Journal, Who’s This?

Here we are again at the beginning of a new journal. This time I did not have a challenging time choosing the perfect journal to fulfill my journaling needs.  I plan to continue my journaling journey. I have been more self-disciplined, and journal more than I have in my life. Setting up this journal was…

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Everyone’s Asleep

One of the most confusing, yet enjoyable occasion in my life is when everyone in my home is asleep. It only happens first thing in the morning. Only if I wake up in time. Everyone always told me when I first had my Ducklings, sleep when the baby sleeps. Best advice I ever got. However,…

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September is Here!

September has made its appearance. It’s a new month for new goals to achieve. What are your goals for this month? Every first of the month I sit down and think about my goals for the coming month. Do I always complete the goals? No, but a girl can dream right? This month we have…

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